Billiard Lights
Billiard Lights are a must for any motorcycle chapter or home game room, especially when there made by the Holland Bar Stool Co. Whether your installing them above your pool table or bar this game room product will not only brighten your day but is sure to impress with the Indian Motorcycle logo on it. 54” wide rod with ball finials. Includes On/Off pull chain, 3’ of chain for hanging that attaches to a single-point, ceiling mounting fixture, and 8’ of cord with a 3-pronged plug. Light fixtures are vented to allow heat to escape instead of building around the socket, prolonging bulb life. Edge trim on the polypropylene shade matches the fixture. Lights are UL approved and fire resistant. Product is assembled in Holland, MI.
- Indian Motorcycle 3 Shade Billiard Light with Brass Fixture and Burgundy Shades
Shed some light on your billiard table with these officially licens...